Dr Stella Immanuel

Dr Stella Immanuel

The outspoken Dr Immanuel

Famously Dr Immanuel spoke in a very forthright manner on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, as part of the whistle-blowing efforts of the newly-formed group America’s Frontline Doctors. She told the assembly that she was very familiar with hydroxychloroquine. She had already successfully treated 250 covid-19 patients with the drug (later updated to 400), none of whom had died.

With medical licences in Texas and Lousiana, the Houston Chronicle has featured her several times and is the source for the quotes here.

She may have been asked to speak due to having already treated so many covid patients with HCQ; or perhaps not many Drs were keen on being seen round the world openly contradicting the CDC.

Dr Immanuel was nothing if not unequivocal:

“The people that are saying that it (hydroxychloroquine) doesn’t work, they are lying.”

The Chronicle continued: “Among those she has targeted is Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the nation’s top infectious disease experts. She tweeted this week, “Fauci you are lying. You know it. Americans are dying and you are playing Russian roulette with their lives.”


“Social media platorms such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter classified the video as misinformation related to the coronavirus and removed it.”

Social media platforms did not explain how they determined the truth in this medical controversy, in such a short time; ‘misinformation’ seemingly being a euphemism for news that is simply not welcome to them. to contradict

“Asked about specific studies that show hydroxychloroquine is not a cure for COVID-19, Immanuel said there are many studies that prove it works.

“Whenever we have two or three studies that show it works,” said Immanuel. “There’s always studies that come out and knock it down. It’s fake science. They’re going to allow people to die so that they can sell vaccines and sell $5000 drugs. It’s diabolic.”

In a re-run of the story a medical voice was found to contradict Dr Immanuel:

” “As of today, there is currently no available scientific evidence to suggest that we should be using hydroxychloroquine for either prevention or treatment of COVID-19,” said Dr. Prathit Kulkarni, an assistant professor of medicine in infectious diseases at Baylor College of Medicine.”


This is untrue, and misleading – as the many studies (now thirty) of early treatment of covid-19 with HCQ, clearly do constitute scientific evidence (indeed there are no genuinely negative studies of early treatment).
As does the testimony of doctors actually treating large numbers patients in their practices, and reporting that there were very few deaths.

Typically, although the dispute is about evidence, the media didn’t attempt to shed any light on the story from the evidential point of view. However, Dr Immanuel atttracted the attention of the world media for other reasons, which sadly were unconnected with medical evidence. Otherwise known as ‘flak’.

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